systemctl list -dependencies will not account for more subtle service startup order, the correct answer is given by shibley ( systemd-analyze ... ... <看更多>
systemctl list -dependencies will not account for more subtle service startup order, the correct answer is given by shibley ( systemd-analyze ... ... <看更多>
systemctl list -unit-files. The grep command filters the services by a search term, a helpful tactic to recall the exact name of a unit file without looking ... ... <看更多>
OK I asked "the systemd guys" and they said in old versions it didn't list them all, despite the man page saying this: -a, --all When listing units, ... ... <看更多>
Whats up Guys!!! In this tutorial I show the systemctl command used to introspect and control the state of the ... ... <看更多>
systemctl list -timers/status timer usability issue: point out why the service is not triggered #17671. Open. ... <看更多>
I think the process of systemctl list-unit-files maybe a little different on centos7 and nowdays systemd. So i just used the busctl call to see the different as ... ... <看更多>